Re: ANNOUNCE: Rscan 1.4.0 and IRIX-security, NetSecurity Mod

Dion Stempfley (stempfld@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL)
Wed, 05 Apr 95 11:52:40 EST

nate@VIS.ColoState.EDU (Nate Sammons) writes
>ANNOUNCING RSCAN 1.4.0 and various modules
>      This module checks for many network related security holes, and is
>      aimed at preventing SATANic assaults on a network.  
What's to prevent and save me from an RSCAN/NetSecurity attack?  Since of course
SATAN is not an attack tool but an administrator's tool.  I suggest that 
everyone go out and pick up a security profiler, anything is better than nothing
at all, then use it and plug the holes that are found.  Problem is the people 
who need to hear this don't follow any security list anywhere, and don't want 
those damn security weanie's getting in their way.

Dion Stempfley
Wife: It's a kitchen knife! 
Husband: No, it's a murder weapon!  
Wife:  Wait dear, it's a kitchen knife and a murder weapon, see...